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Spinsolve Applications - Reaction Monitoring

更新时间:2025-02-08 15:47:44

NMR reaction monitoring is an excellent technique for determining reaction kinetics as well as reaction end points. NMR measurements are quantitative and NMR signals change in a linear way as concentrations vary. The NMR technique is not sensitive to the matrix of the sample. NMR measurements are non-destructive and the complete sample material being inside the NMR coil is analyzed. The Spinsolve high-resolution benchtop NMR spectrometer can be installed directly in the fume hood of a chemistry lab to monitor the progress of chemical reactions on-line. Reactants can be pumped in continuous mode from the reactor to the magnet and back using just standard PTFE tubing or using  a glass flow cell. Magritek has created two solution kits for reaction monitoring: one using a glass flow tube with an expanded 4 mm ID section in the measurement zone. The other one, is a very cost-effective solution using just PTFE tubing and a glass guide tube, as well as the pump (read more…). Besides the hardware, Magritek developed a reaction monitoring software module for an easy set-up of the reaction loops and the data processing (read more…).


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